War College Curricula: The fifty percent that is missing

Cornelia Weiss


This article colonel in the Air Force of the United States, Cornelia Weiss lieutenant, as a student of military schools in the country, reflects on the promise that Secretary of State Hilary Clinton made at the time the women of Afghanistan , not to abandon them and always support them and ensure that their rights and opportunities “are not trampled in the process of reconciliation”; questioned about how these schools can improve curricula for its graduates have a clear view of gender differences and prepare to help fulfill that promise to the women of today and tomorrow; and finally formulated as start, a number of recommendations concerning the plan of study with the conviction that ensure the rights and safety of women will lead to a more prosperous and peaceful world.

Palabras clave

United States, curricula, schools of war, gender difference, women’s rights, women’s safety.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26564/21453381.429

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26564/issn.2145-3381